So, at this point, I'm done setting up all the hardware. I have the heater working the way it should, the auto top-off is setup (have to see how this goes over the next few days...), lights are on the timer, and I've started checking my levels. Right now pH is at 8.3, Salinity is at 1.023 (still want to get this a bit higher..) and Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate are at 0. I've tested the ammonia twice so far and it does look there is some buildup happening, but still too low to be at the next color on the test strip, but definitely not as yellow as the 0.
Everyone keeps asking me when I'm adding fish... well, that's going to be a while.. The current process involves waiting for the ammonia levels to rise at which point bacteria will start to grow which will take care of the ammonia. They will leave behind nitrite. Both of these are extremely toxic to fish and invertebrates. After the nitrites rise, more bacteria should grow that will consume that and I should see both the ammonia and nitrite drop to 0 while the mostly harmless nitrates start to go up...
This is called the "Nitrogen Cycle". At this point, I can slowly start adding things. The first job is to add our clean up crew, which will start adding bio-load to the tank (basically more ammonia) which will get process by the bacteria. This needs to happen gradually, so the bacteria can grow and keep up with everything that is going to be added to the tank.
For now, it's just sit around and wait for the process to happen....
Very nice . I had turtles. I can relate.